What is Speak Out Iowa?

Speak Out Iowa is a campus safety survey conducted by the University of Iowa to examine sexual misconduct occurring on campus, including sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating violence, and stalking.

What data is the University of Iowa trying to gather and why?

Preventing sexual misconduct is a very important issue within our campus community. The information gathered from this survey will be used to support our work to ensure a safe and healthy environment for our students and community.

This survey aims to assess:

  • the frequency of sexual misconduct (technology-facilitated, sexual harassment, harassment by faculty/staff, dating violence, stalking and sexual violence);
  • students' experiences supporting a friend who has disclosed sexual misconduct to them;
  • how sexual misconduct affects students' academic progress;
  • how students negotiate sexual content.

Who is administering this survey?        

The Speak Out Iowa survey is administered by a subcommittee of the Anti-violence Coalition and is sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Student Life and the Title IX Coordinator. 

What is the University of Iowa's survey instrument?  

The survey instrument is the ARC3 Survey (Administrator Researcher Campus Climate Collaborative Survey). This survey was created by a collaborative group of experts committed to using the most current, empirically-supported measures. The survey has been slightly modified to reflect our campus, and members of the Anti-violence Coalition and student leaders had active roles in providing feedback and assessing its content. 

Who should participate in this survey?

All degree-seeking undergraduate, graduate, and professional students are encouraged to complete the survey.

I have not experienced sexual misconduct while at the University of Iowa. Should I still take this survey?

Yes! This survey is about more than just victimization rates; we also assess your perceptions of the campus climate. We want to hear from every student as sexual misconduct impacts all of us.

Is the survey anonymous?

Yes. Responses to the survey are completely anonymous. We are not able to trace your responses to your HawkID, student ID, email, or IP address. When you first sign in to the survey you will be asked to enter your HawkID to confirm you are a UI student, then you will be redirected to the anonymous survey.

Is the survey voluntary?

Yes. Participation is completely voluntary and you are free to skip any questions that you do not want to answer. 

How do I take the survey?

The survey opened on February 2nd, 2021. The survey is now closed.

How long will the survey take to complete?

The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. It is best to allow yourself time to complete the survey in one-sitting.

I started the survey but had to stop, and now I can't access it at all. What do I do?

Email us at vp-student-life@uiowa.edu, and we will reset your information so you can start the survey from the beginning.

Is there any compensation associated with completing the survey?


The first 2000 students to complete the survey will have the choice of selecting a guaranteed $5 electronic gift card or entering into a lottery for one of the prizes below. Please be aware that some of the prize options may have to be reported to the UI Office of Student Financial Aid, indicated by (*). Receiving one of the prizes indicated may affect your financial aid, depending on how much aid you receive. All students who chose the gift card option should have received an e-mail notification with their gift card code.

After the first 2000 students complete the survey, all remaining students who complete the survey will be entered into the lottery for a chance to win one of the prizes below. If you win a prize, we will work with you to arrange a pick-up time on campus or ship the prize to your residence.  All prizes were drawn and winners have been notified.

  • PC laptop ($1300 value)
  • VISA gift card* ($500 value) - 4 available
  • Nintendo Switch ($300 value)
  • Powerbeats Pro ($250 value)
  • Air Pods Pro ($220 value)
  • Fitbit ($250 value)
  • Hulu gift card* ($150 value)
  • Netflix gift card* ($150 value)
  • Kindle Unlimited annual subscription* ($120 value)
  • Spotify annual subscription* ($120 value)
  • Apple Music annual subscription* ($100 value)
  • Steam gift card* ($100 value) 
  • Hawk Shop gift card* ($100 value)
  • Hy-Vee gift card* ($100 value) - 2 available
  • Calm subscription* ($70 value)
  • Playstation Plus subscription* ($60 value)
  • Xbox Live Gold subscription* ($60 value)
  • GrubHub/ Chop gift card* ($50 value) - 4 available
  • Iowa City Downtown gift card* ($50 value) - 8 available
  • Prairie Lights gift card* ($50 value) - 4 available
  • Block of study rooms in the IMU for Finals Week ($500 value)

If the survey is anonymous, how will I receive compensation if I win a prize?

After completing the anonymous survey, you will be automatically redirected to a new survey where you will enter your name and uiowa email address along with your compensation selection. All students should have received their gift card codes in an email if they chose that option. Students who won the large prizes have been notified.

Does the survey work on all browsers and mobile devices?

Yes, the survey is easily accessible on all browsers and mobile devices. The survey is now closed.

What will the University of Iowa do with the results?

Survey results will be made public and will be used to inform our ongoing efforts to address sexual misconduct on campus through the UI Anti-Violence Plan. Because the survey is anonymous, no information identifying individual student responses will be reported.

Where should I go if I or someone I know needs support dealing with sexual misconduct?

If you or someone you know needs help or support dealing with sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating violence, or stalking please follow this link for a comprehensive list of resources.

I still have questions about the Speak Out Iowa Survey. Who should I contact?

If you have questions or comments about the administration or promotion of the Speak Out Iowa Survey, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Student Life at 319-335-3557 or vp-student-life@uiowa.edu.